The Gender Equity Project, housed at Hunter College - CUNY, has been partially funded by grants from the National Science Foundation, the National Institutes of Health, and the Sloan Foundation. Its mission is to promote equity and excellence in every profession - academia, law, medicine, business, the arts.
v i d e o
t u t o r i a l s
Explore video tutorials that explain the role schemas play in how we experience gender.
booklets & tools
Explore resources to help you promote gender equity in academia, in the workplace, and in life.
Check out articles, books, videos, lectures, and more to see how we’ve been sharing our knowledge with the world.
Learn about how gender plays a role in the lives of children, students, & professionals. (Under construction.)
Explore what we’ve achieved since our inception and help us bring our work into the next decade.
tell us what you think
Have something you want to share with us about your experience with gender equity? Want to contribute a resource or participate in an interview? Have a question you’d like us to answer?
Share with us below, and you may be featured on your website!